New Policy Briefs on Physical Activity Promotion

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health, the WHO CC for Physical Activity and Public Health has compiled comprehensive surveys on the promotion of physical activity in Germany.

In addition to the analysis on the promotion of physical activity among children and adolescents published in 2022, three further reports are now available:

✅ Adults (18-64 years)
✅ Older adults (65+)
✅ Adults with non-communicable diseases

These policy briefs summarise the fulfilment of recommendations for physical activity, the availability of data on physical activity behaviour, recommendations for promoting physical activity and previous activities and good practice projects in Germany.

Bestandsaufnahme der Bewegungsförderung bei Erwachsenen (18-64 Jahre) in Deutschland | BMG

Bestandsaufnahme der Bewegungsförderung bei älteren Erwachsenen (ab 65 Jahren) in Deutschland | BMG

Bestandsaufnahme der Bewegungsförderung bei Erwachsenen mit nichtübertragbaren Erkrankungen in Deutschland | BMG